Friday 30 March 2012

Ketosis Log Entry 1(Day 1 to Day 11)

For all who do not know I've started my cutting phase. I had a really successful 'Bulk' phase you can call it, though it wasn't actually a true bulk, as there wasn't any 'new' progress. I succumbed to Typhoid last year and had lost a lot of strength and size. A LOT of strength and size. Will detail it from a previous post here once again.

So anyways bulked up to a heavy 83.5 or so Kgs(85.5-86 in the evenings). Learnt about a new diet that professional bodybuilders supposedly use, to get down from 23-25%BF to ~3-4%. This is my self experiment on trying it out for the first time and see it's efficiency for myself. I do take weekly pictures and measurements and log them, will share the log, but not the pictures as of right now, will update the log at the end with a before after shot, where you will obviously see the pictures.
At this point I have now made a complete recovery, and even surpassed comeback in both size and strength after Typhoid. Had lost about 8 kg's(was pretty lean when it hit) and became even skinnier, all lifts had gone to sh*t, I have rebuilt from a 55kg Bench, 55kg Squat and a 75kg Dead-lift at 74kg bw. Now lifts are 87.5kg Bench(might capture this lift day after), 103.75kg Squat and this 143.5kg Deadlift bw approx. 83 or 85kg(don't have a scale). All current PR's.
Size also came up in huge figures, listed in my log, but to mention the bodypart that everyone cares about, my arms came from ~12.75 now to 15 when last measured(over 2 weeks ago), and are now probably a bit bigger.

Next plan is to start cutting from the beginning of next week, and get down to my 8 pack while trying to maintain as much strength and size as possible over the next 6-8 weeks. This might be the first time I go on an elite bodybuilders pre competition diet, so I'm pretty excited!

As of the time of this post being written, I've been on the diet for 10-12 days can't remember which exactly, but even in such a short span of time I'm shockingly impressed with the results. You can check the same from the log below.

Post 1 -
Alright so I've started with the glycogen depletion, which should take me about 5-6 days. I've decided to go for 6 days of daily cardio added on to the normal lifting routine. Completed my first cardio run today. For not running properly in about 1 year or so I'm still in pretty decent cardio vascular condition. Anyways will only get better.

My previous lifting routine was not a split rather a total body workout but with little to no volume whatsoever and only a 5RM intensity.
My new routine is going to comprise of the following:-
Chest n Tris
Back n Bis
Shoulders n Abs

Post 2 -
Just finished Day 2 of Glycogen depletion and Day 1 of my new workout routine. I was expecting for my strength and bench to go down, but it actually increased... Let's hope it keeps going the same way... Looking forward to my whole chicken and my pre bed time Chocolate protein shake.  

Post 3 -
Finished Day 3 of Glycogen depletion.

I know this is way too early to be seeing results or the lot, but one of the women in my Nutritions course just said that I was looking leaner than what I did when I first came into the class.
On top of that I see a bit more definition on the framework of my ab wall. I know that this is going to be only water and glycogen depletion, but either which way I am very excited to see the first week and then the second week results.

Back n Biceps day tomorrow.  

Post 4 -
Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I had a long day, had to go for my CPR certification and take a general train and then walk a long way. On top of that didn't have anything besides my protein shakes, and only two of em up until like 8 hours or so into the day, so was tired as hell.

Got my cardio/glycogen depletion just doing the hospital work yesterday.

Will be leaving for shoulders and abs in 30 minutes.
Wow, all gyms closed due to some holiday... Couldn't get in the workout + cardio... Will do tomorrow. Diet on track 100% though, and surely will not stop till I reach my goal.

I feel a bit more lean/defined on my chest compared to the looks... Ab wall definition there and pretty good at the top 2 abs, excited to see results on Tuesday and beyond. 

Part 5 -

Finished shoulder day, kind of forgot to hit the abs, so just did a few leg raises at the end of the day. Hit cardio hard, HIIT. 

Part 6 -
Done my Cardio last night, went pretty high intensity on the HIIT. Hit 15 on the treadmill and even 14.5 and 13.5 I think.

Have my Leg workout today with my mentor, kind of nervous he's going to crap all over my form lol.  

Part 7 -
Completed leg workout today, did some sitting/rested squats in the hole. I successfully did upto 205lb for a 1 rep. I failed on 215, but I already had SOOOO many sets in already, I might actually have hit a 225lb squat with a resting in the hole squat. Will have to check later on. I was enjoying the in the hole squatting since it meant I had FINALLY gone past parallel and had achieved ATG.
Something I have been trying to do for the past 4 years. I think with my squatting technique improving, I might be making quite some good progress in the coming years. My target is to go for a 405 1RM.
Also did 315x3 1 or 2 notches below standing height with the squat bar. Will keep improving on those to keep getting stronger and hit higher maxes.
Part 8 -
Got in my cardio for the night.
Went in SUPER HARD if I do say so myself. 15,16,14,14. Pretty good.  

Part 9 -
Also should mention some visual results... In the past 2 days I have noticed my 6 pack just barely popping out and in when I flex it and exhale. It's super light though. Also, it could be just some tricks my minds playin on me but I think I can actually see a peak forming in my bicep. I have NEVER EVER had a bicep peak, I just started doing these peak exercises just for two weeks while on maintainance and now. Matter of fact I think I've hit them only 3-4 separate times and not more.

Not way too much at all, but quite a bit for just 9-10 days I feel. Haven't even started a thermogenic supplement yet, but will start one soon. Workout volume is probably going to increase since I'm going to be having physical classes as well. Very excited and satisfied with the diet for just 10 days, looking forward to the next 20!

Part 10 -
Completed a successful back workout with the Mentor today. Did a 316x3 with a dead stop as opposed to my otherwise touch and go routine on the deadlifts.
Had a challenging workout with the 90's for DB rows. Had an impressive pull up performance and the weight felt quite light surprisingly.
Most surprisingly though, my biceps are fucking fried. Like seriously, they're fucking gone! I couldn't even do one set of reverse curls on them. Mentor told me, that just means that the job is done. I personally feel I'll get in 2 sets of biceps exercises tomorrow, but other than that I'm quite happy with my performance.

Visually, from a distance and with my shirt up I got to see my 4 pack abs. Quite literally and without as much of a flex, a quite clear 4 pack. Of course I still have a LONG ways to go, but I'm quite happy with the way things are going and am looking forward to the 4 week mark and beyond.

This is the extended log up until now, from now on they logs will keep coming in small and daily or every alternate day or so.

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